
Watersheds! Follow the Flow


Buy your tickets
March 5 to September 30 2025
All Day Event
160, chemin Tour-de-l'Isle
Île Sainte-Hélène
Montréal, QC Canada
H3C 4G8

Opening Hours | Directions | Rates

Come and enjoy an immersive, personalized and interactive experience while discovering a watershed!

This journey through a watershed will engage your senses of hearing, touch, sight and smell as you explore nature and its array of aquatic ecosystems.

Traveling through headwaters, lakes, wetlands and rivers, you’ll encounter a rich biodiversity of stunning organisms from the aquatic world and learn what happens underwater.

As an added bonus, you’ll get a few tips for taking action to improve our relationship with these fascinating ecosystems.

Intended for families and students aged 8 and up, this activity was originally conceived by UQAM’s CarBBAS Chair, which conducts research in aquatic sciences, and was developed and produced by TKNL.

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