
The Salmon of the Mitis River - The Exhibition


Buy your tickets
March 5 to November 2 2025
All Day Event
160, chemin Tour-de-l'Isle
Île Sainte-Hélène
Montréal, QC Canada
H3C 4G8

Opening Hours | Directions | Rates
For all

After J’aime Hydro, Christine Beaulieu developed a new piece of documentary theater, this time about salmon in the Mitis River. With the collaboration of illustrator Caroline Lavergne, she invites visitors of all ages to adopt the point of view of wild salmon in order to discover their impressive journey and imagine their life transformed by human presence.

The Biosphère presents the exhibition Salmon of the Mitis, based on the illustrated book of the same title, published by Éditions de la Bagnole. The installation takes visitors on an immersive journey to the heart of an endangered species, through a story that blends science, history and poetry, so that the beauty and fragility of nature may never be forgotten.

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Space for Life Foundation