Come and meet the three species of tamarins that inhabit the Biodôme’s lush Tropical Rainforest.You’ll be fascinated by the behaviour and interactions of these curious and intriguing little monkeys.
Learn how to identify the different species, understand their habits and appreciate the unique adaptations that enable them to survive in this dense, complex environment.
You can also learn more about the environmental issues impacting these animals—such as deforestation and climate change—and the conservation efforts underway to protect their natural habitat.
Come and meet the three species of tamarins that inhabit the Biodôme’s lush Tropical Rainforest.
You’ll be fascinated by the behaviour and interactions of these curious and intriguing little monkeys.
Learn how to identify the different species, understand their habits and appreciate the unique adaptations that enable them to survive in this dense, complex environment.
You can also learn more about the environmental issues impacting these animals—such as deforestation and climate change—and the conservation efforts underway to protect their natural habitat.
TUESDAY TO SUNDAY - Learn about the unique adaptations of these fascinating mammals, while debunking some bat myths and learning more about their role in the ecosystem.