
Hubert Reeves between the lines


Buy your tickets
March 4 to June 30 2025
All Day Event
4801, avenue Pierre-De Coubertin
Montréal, QC Canada
H1V 3V4

Opening Hours | Directions | Rates
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To honor the legacy of Hubert Reeves, the Planétarium presents an exhibition showcasing his poetry through his words and writings. Passionate about our universe, he knew how to make his surroundings awe-inspiring.

Discover artifacts from his personal life and find inspiration in the dedicated reading corner.

The exhibition comprises 2 distinct zones.

Zone 1

Comfortable furniture and a library with a selection of books in FR and EN, for adults and children. Listening stations feature excerpts from a podcast series produced by Radio France. On a large screen, an NFB documentary is presented: Hubert Reeves - Conteur d'étoiles.

Zone 2

A timeline presents highlights of his life, photos, archives, objects that belonged to him, including his telescope and postcards sent to his mother.

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