TUESDAY TO SUNDAY - Accompanied by a science educator, observe animal care technicians in action and see how we keep the animals healthy, as they would be in their natural habitat.
TUESDAY TO SUNDAY - Discover Gaspesian artist Maryse Goudreau's stirring work dedicated to the beluga whale, through immersive installations that raise awareness of the world of these majestic creatures.
TUESDAY TO SUNDAY - Meryl McMaster revisits her family ties (her nēhiyaw and Dutch/British ancestors) and looks into the history inscribed in the landscape.
TUESDAY TO SUNDAY - Come and see the three species of tamarins - curious and intriguing little monkeys - that inhabit the Tropical Rainforest of the Biodôme.
TUESDAY TO SUNDAY - Let yourself be whisked away to the planet Mars in an immersive experience that combines a scientific perspective with an imaginary vision of a not-too-distant world!
TUESDAY TO SUNDAY - This exhibition created by the Biosphère and Oxfam-Québec is an opportunity to discover what climate migration is all about, and to explore possible solutions.