
Citizen Spring: Consuming Differently - Day 2


Buy your tickets
April 13 2025
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
4101, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC Canada
H1X 2B2

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Tree Pavilion
For all

Citizen Spring at the Jardin botanique

Espace pour la vie is offering, in cooperation with external organizations, four weekends of free activities at the Jardin botanique’s Frédéric Back Tree Pavilion, an inviting, dynamic and lively space for meetings and exchanges.

In April, reconnect with nature and take the opportunity to explore, create or exchange with others, while gearing up to take concrete action towards the socio-ecological transition and the protection of biopersity.

April 13 - Urban Agriculture - Day 2

Want to do your bit for the environment? Think about being a better consumer! Take advantage of this day filled with activities that focus on the importance of eco-friendly consumption through simple and effective actions you can take on a daily basis.


The animation team offers a continuous flow of guided tours of the arboretum and a series of fun activities for all ages in the Nature Hive.

10 am to noon - All-natural! Story Time for the Family

Courtesy of Pouce Carré

Get set for a fun-filled moment of relaxation as you discover books that put trees and nature in the spotlight! Join Pouce Carré’s animators, who will read amusing children’s stories and present fascinating documentaries that will help you better understand and appreciate the environment! A table full of reading suggestions for all ages will be set up. Youngsters, teens and adults alike will be able to find a reading suggestion that will pique their curiosity and nurture their love of reading.

  • In French.
  • Activity presented outdoors (indoors in case of rain)

10:30 am to noon – Screen Printing Using Plant-based Ink

Courtesy of Virginie Fillion, artist and printmaking teacher

Learn how to make printing ink using plants, flowers and food waste. Try various screen printing inks and a stencil printing process, and take home your very own print!

  • In French.
  • Up to 15 people

11 am to 12:30 pm - Preservation via Lacto-fermentation

Courtesy of Solène Leroy of the Coopérative Les Choux Gras in cooperation with Le Semoir

In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn the safe way to start lacto-fermenting all your vegetables!

  • In French.
  • General public, ages 8 and up.
  • Up to 12 people

11 am to 12:30 pm - A Walk Among the Trees

Courtesy of the Friends of the Jardin botanique de Montréal

Love the trees at the Jardin botanique? Join a volunteer guide on a hike and learn more about the awesome features of this majestic urban forest! Put on your walking shoes and come spend some time in nature.

  • In French.
  • For all; children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Up to 20 people

1 to 4 pm - Bicycle Tune-up Workshop

Courtesy of Écoquartier Rosemont-Petite-Patrie (Nature-Action Québec)

Two mechanics will be on hand to carry out general bike maintenance in collaboration with the public. This will be an opportunity to learn the basics of bike tuning, so you can do it yourself at home. This activity will take place outdoors. Don't forget to bring your bikes! Note: riding a bicycle on the Jardin botanique site is prohibited, so please arrive on foot with your bike.

  • In French

1 to 4 pm - Creating Beeswax Food Packaging

Courtesy of Écoquartier Rosemont-Petite-Patrie (Nature-Action Québec)

Make your own beeswax food packaging and discover how to create reusable, eco-friendly packaging for your fruits, vegetables, sandwiches and more. Bring your old fabrics, sweaters, pillowcases, or fabric scraps to give them a second life by turning them into practical, sustainable solutions. Together, let's reduce food waste and plastic pollution!

  • In French.
  • Up to 12 people per group.
  • Can accommodate several groups

1:30 to 4:30 pm - The Green Library and How to Reuse Used Books in Creative Ways

Courtesy of the Jardin botanique library

Come and get inspired at our green library with a selection of books for the whole family on responsible consumption, zero-waste recipes and environmental protection. Visiting our kiosk will also be an opportunity to learn how you can reuse a use book in creative ways.

  • Bilingual.
  • Up to 4 families at a time, nonstop (15-30 minutes per group)

2 to 3 pm - Sugar Moon (sogalikas)

Courtesy of Lysanne O'Bomsawin, Abenaki chef and history educator

Come celebrate the sugar moon with Abenaki chef Lysanne O’Bomsawin. Maple sugar cone demonstration and entertainment on her nation’s spring festival. Wli Gaden! 

  • In French.
  • Up to 50 people

2:30 to 3:30 pm - Discover the Invisible: Interdependencies

Courtesy of the Jardin botanique animation team

We have special relationships with the living beings around us, and now’s the time to take notice! During this animation, come move around with us and discuss the links that connect us to each other and to our environment. Find out how interdependence is important for tomorrow's socio-ecological transition!

  • Bilingual.
  • General public, 10 and up.
  • Up to 15 people

3:30 to 5 pm - Film Discussion: Le prix de la mode

Courtesy of Myriam Brouillette-Paradis, socio-ecological transition advisor at Lab22 (social and environmental innovation laboratory)

Viewing of a documentary followed by a discussion of the issues raised, with the aim of highlighting possible solutions and actions to tackle these issues. A call to action!

Synopsis: Mariana Mazza follows the path of the clothes she discards, from her closet to Africa, while looking for solutions at home to help mitigate the consequences of our overconsumption of clothing.

  • In French.
  • General public (aged 12 and over).
  • Up to 45 people

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